#MLDSday is Agile Testing Alliance’s community initiative part of its Meetups to help everyone in the technology spectrum to pick up practical basics of Machine Learning and Data Science

Machine Learning and Data Science is on it’s way for being mainstream. It is one of the most sought-after skills in today’s fast changing Information Technology landscape.

The need cannot be more profoundly understood unless by going through the following article on Harvard Business Review, as Nokia is getting their entire team understand Machine learning,

“The Chairman of Nokia on Ensuring Every Employee Has a Basic Understanding of Machine Learning — Including Him”

It is really high time for all of us to also learn, understand and experience Machine Learning and Data Science and hence our community initiative #MLDSday.

#MLDSday is designed to be fully hands on and it is recommended that participants carry their own laptops. The day will begin with a small introduction about ATA Meetup followed by a detailed lab session covering basics of Python and the important libraries to cover the machine learning and data science basics.


  1. Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science
  2. Getting Started for MLDS DAY and lab preparation/Setup
    1. Anaconda
    2. Jupyter Notebook
    3. Google Colaborative Tool in the cloud
  3. Introduction to python – Basic concepts, programming constructs and data structures and functions
    1. Data types – Int, float, bool, complex, str
    2. Modules and Packages
    3. Operators
    4. Conditional and Loops
    5. Data structures – i) List ii) Tuples iii) Set iv)Dictionary
    6. Functions
  4. Pythonic Operations relevant for Machine Learning
    1. Comprehensions
    2. Lambda
    3. Map
    4. Reduce
    5. Filter
  5. Understanding NumPy Library and its usage in ML/DS
  6. Understanding Pandas Library and usage in ML/DS
  7. Understanding Matplotlib + Seaborn Libraries and its usage in Data Visualization
  8. Demo for following
    1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
    2. NLP-Text Analysis with Gensim


  1. Machine with minimum 4 GB RAM on any of the following OS
  2. Getting Started for MLDS DAY and lab preparation/Setup
    1. Windows
    2. MacOS
    3. Linux (Ubuntu)
  3. Kindly download Anaconda 5.x with Python 3.6 or higher version from the URL as per the respective OS


01-Dec-2018 Testimonials

Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Ajay Balamurugadas
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Vijaykannan G SathishaG
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Sathisha G
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Amulya Janakiram
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Nagesh Deshpande

27-Oct-2018 (BMC Software) Testimonials

Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Murtaza Talwari
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Dhanashree
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Ghanshyam
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Bhusan
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Ashish
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Aniket
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Mahesh Raut
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Ruturaj Doshi
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Vivek and Satyaprakash
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Umesh Kataria
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Simran P.
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Prashant Kumar
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Tejashri
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Sheetal and Rutu
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Manjit Kumar
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Pravin
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Shankar
Feedback of #MLDSDay attended by Nilesh Kolapkar


Manjit Kumar
Simran Patil
Ghanshyam Thorat
Tejashri Jadhav
Abhijeet Joshi
Ruturaj Doshi
Vikas Bhandare
Sheetal Koparde
Prashant Kumar
Dhanashree Nandkumar
Umesh Kataria
Varun Deshpande
Nilesh Kolapkar
Ashish Kadam
Rohit Ajit Harnikar
Shubhangi Jain
Yogesh Dengle
Shankar Kisan Salunkhe
Shripal Chopda
Yogesh Dingankar
Mahesh Raut
Shardul Kulkarni
Chandrashekhar Gosavi
Vinayak Gadkari
Mayank Jain
Pravin Patil
Smit Burde
Bhushan Borole
Satyaprakash Tiwari
Aniket Kawre
Vivek Gajendra
Kedar Jedhe
Deodatta Marathe
Yogesh Chavhan
Prajakta Advant
Harshal Mulay
Himani Yadav
Himani Yadav
Samar Gajbhiye
Vijay Nagmoti
Vivek Patel